How Do I
- How Do I Add a Screen Reader
A Screen Reader is an accessibility function that can be added to any page of your website. This function can aid visually impaired readers with accessing your content. Our recommendation is ReadSpeaker, an All Wales Product that is free to use across all MURA websites.
- How Do I Create a Form
Forms are very useful in a website for collecting data from site users and are often included in sites as Contact forms or Feedback forms. This data can then be viewed through the CMS admin or by downloading this to Excel. As an admin, you also have the ability to purge the collected data from the system.
- How Do I Add an Asset Bucket
Asset Buckets - much like Libraries; are a means to file together related content so it's easy for admin users to store and locate their content. When you receive your site you will have 4 set Asset Bucket areas; Images, Links, Files, and Contacts already created for you. You are able to create as many further Asset Buckets as you wish.
- How Do I Add an Audio Player
The Audio Player Layout will allow Admins to upload and display Audio Files in a clear format. The File type compatible with this layout is: MP3s. To meet Accessibility Guidelines we would also recommend that you upload a corresponding transcript.