How to Edit

The CMS allows users to edit on both the Front and Back-ends of the site


Edit Layout

Using this tool you can add and edit pages from the Front End of your site. To add a page you need to be on the parent page (where you want the new page to sit under) and click on the plus icon at the top of the screen. 

You can then hover over the pencil icon at the top of the screen, and select Edit Layout. This allows you to edit the page you are on and see the changes as you make them. 

Plugins can only be added via the Edit Layout. This means several key items can only be added in this way including VideosShareBar, Facebook, etc.


Edit Content

Using this tool you can add and edit pages from the Back End of your site. When you hover over the pencil icon you can select Edit Content and this will open your content in the backend of your site, this will allow you to have complete control over your website.

To edit a page, you need to be on it.  You can then hover over the pencil at the top of the screen, and select Edit Content. This allows you to edit the page you are on, but only fully see how the changes will appear to your users when you publish the page. You are not able to add any of the site plugins via the Full Edit function.



Should I just use one of these types to edit everything?

No. There are some similarities between the front-end and back-end editing, but also some key differences.

The Full Edit in Tree View and in the Front End are both exactly the same. This was set up like this so an editor can find their way around the website in the way that best suits them, and edit as they go. 

However, there are some things that can only be done within the Inline Edit; such as adding Plugins, and other things that can only be done in Full Edit; such as adding Tags, Credits and scheduling content

Publishing your Content

Save Draft - This allows you to save a temporary, non-published version of the content for later editing or approval. These draft versions are available for review by the user, who created the item, or any other site administrator. 

Publish - Sets the content "live" and visible to the front-end public view of your site. The content item's status will change to "Published" when this is selected. This action will also remove any "Draft" versions of the content item