How Do I Create a Beautified Container

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Select your Settings
Source: Source
Layout: Beautified Container
Select Content: Use the Alphabet Selector to Choose your Page within your site to display. Select the Letter your Page starts with.
Select Content URL: If you do not wish to link directly to the content Item you have selected then you can choose another URL to link to; within your website or anywhere else on the internet. Use the Alphabet Selector to Choose the Link within your site to direct to.
Content area: Select either Summary or Body
List Image Size: Choose the size of the image to display
Clickable region: Select which part of the Beautified Container will be the link area
  • None: None of the Beautified Container would be a Clickable link
  • All: The Whole Block will be Clickable - to the URL previously selected
  • Default: Any Links with the content drawn in will be Clickable Links - The box itself will not be

Border Corner and Thickness: Select Rounded/Square. Thin/Medium/Thick
Include Drop Shadow: Tick/Untick as desired
Bottom Padding: Adds space to the bottom of the Beautified Container
Heading Tab: Add a Heading to your Content and select the Heading Tag (H1, H2, etc)