How Do I Add Multi Content 2

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Select your Settings
Content Source: Related Content or Content Collection
Select Content Collection: Choose an Index to display (Only the top 3 items will display) 
Or Select Related Content Set: Custom
Edit: Select the content items you wish to draw in
Layout: MultiContentDisplay2 
Title: If you enter a title here it will appear at the top of your display
View All Label: This will be the text shown on the display's buttons, if you leave this field empty then it defaults to 'More'. You can add a separate label for each text field by adding a comma delimiter so that each section's link can be editable to give it a more meaningful description to aid accessibility. e.g. More on Jobs,More on Working for Us,More on Volunteering These labels will then appear in boxes 1,2,3 respectively 
Max Items: You can select a value up to a maximum of 3 
Heading Tab: Add a Heading to your Content and select the Heading Tag (H1, H2, etc)