How Do I Add a Share/Social Bar


Create your Links
Select your Settings
Source: Content Collection 
Select Content Collection: Select Index e.g. lciShareBar for sharing the page content, lciSocialBar for social media site links (These indexes will already be set up on your site)
Layout: Socialbar
Title: Defaulted to 'Share:' but you can change this as you wish
Social media links: Select the links you wish to appear from the links available
Icon Shape: Select as you wish the Icons to appear Circle or Square
Icon Size: Select from Small, Medium, or Large
Extra Icons Available: You can also add: mail to, print, and return to top buttons
Show on HomePage: Checkbox will add the Social bar to the home page if checked
Heading Tab: Add a Heading to your Content and select the Heading Tag (H1, H2, etc)