Website Domain Names

We would suggest contacting your Local Information Governance Team to advise on data collection and storage before proceeding with any Forms on your site

You'll notice that all our website domains will end with or These domains are used for consistency across all NHS Wales sites and are created & managed by our team.

If you are considering purchasing a domain name for your or site, please be aware that you are fully responsible for that domain and its renewals.

Failure to renew your domain name can leave you open to companies hijacking your domain and inserting their own content, which could be harmful to your users and your organisations reputation.


Tips for looking after your domain name

If you do decide to purchase your own domain name for your site, then please make sure the following is part of your best practice to protect your site and your users:

  • Keep your registration records and contact details up-to-date and accurate
  • Keep your registration details secure, private and recoverable
  • Make Domain name protection a part of your security policy
  • Choose who you buy your domain name from wisely - while cheaper offers may be appealing, you may need to consider what their support is like. Do they offer 24/7 support? Do they auto-renew your domains or send out a reminder that your domain is about to expire?


Linking to other resources

If you link to other resources from within your website, regularly check that they haven't expired and that the content is still relevant, as it could be that the website may have expired and is being used to promote something else.