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There are 17 items tagged with the keyword "Pages".

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17

> how-do-i > how-do-i-add-a-page
How Do I Create an Internal Re-direct or Friendly URL
When creating your content, the length of your page URL will depend on where in your structure your page has been created. To combat this we have now introduced new functionality that will allow Admins to create their own shortened Friendly URLs for your content.
> how-do-i
How Do I Delete Content
Users can delete content items by accessing either the front or back end of your site. However, once you have deleted a piece of content you will no longer have any access to it. To recover this you would need to log a call with DHCW.
> how-do-i > how-do-i-create-permission-groups
How Do I Enable Password Protection
You can control who can see your content by restricting permissions. This is useful if you wish to protect content and only want certain people to access it. To access protected content (for example a page or folder), visitors will be presented with a login prompt where they are only required to enter a valid password.
> how-do-i > how-do-i-add-a-page
How Do I Move a Page
Once you've created a page you decide to change its position within your website.  You are able to achieve this by amending the page's parent or using the drag-and-drop function to manually move the page within the tree view.
> how-do-i > how-do-i-add-a-page
How Do I Re-Order Content
Once you've created or uploaded your content; you may decide to change their positions within your website structure. You are able to achieve this by using the zoom key to zoom in on one part of the tree structure, you can then use the drag and drop function to manually change the order of the items.
> how-do-i > how-do-i-add-a-page
How Do I Use Inheritance Rules
Content placed in the Top or Bottom Rows or the Main Content Row of a parent page can be inherited through to the child pages below. Site Inheritance can be used to pull content from the Hompage into all child pages in the site or by breaking inheritance and starting a new Cascade specific content can be inherited to specific pages.
> how-do-i > how-do-i-add-a-page
How Do I Use Page Notifications
The Content Expiration Notifications and Notify For Review options can be assigned to send reminders to any member of your CMS team. These 2 options can be used to manage and prompt your team to review both existing and new content.

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17