How Do I Add Filter By Category

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Select your Settings
Source: Source
Layout: FilterByCategory
Category list: The categories will appear in the order they are entered in. Separate each category by a comma. e.g News,Careers,Promotions
Sort By: Select from Last Updated or Title
Hide 'All' Tab: Select the tick box to remove the default 'All' tab from your Category List Display
Show Count Badge: Tick/Untick to add a count of the Items per Category
Character limit: The character limit for each of the content
Display content limit: The content limit from the CMS
Content height: The height of each content column
Number of columns: Number of content boxes to display vertically
Include content image: This represents a check box for the content image
Heading Tab: Add a Heading to your Content and select the Heading Tag (H1, H2, etc)