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There are 7 items tagged with the keyword "Images".

Displaying: 1 - 7 of 7

> how-do-i > how-do-i-upload-images
How Do I Add an Associated Image
An associated image is an image associated with a particular piece of content, in this context a webpage. Admins will then have the further option of allowing this image to show on the page or only on a page preview.
> how-do-i
How Do I Add an Image to Content
Through the use of the CK Editor toolbar, you can search for any previously uploaded image, within your site. This image will then be added as a line of code to your page and render correctly once published. This method differs slightly from our other two ways of adding images to a page: Associated Image/Gallery Image.
> how-do-i
How Do I Create a Gallery
An Image Gallery is a great way to collate a number of pictures for display in one area. The Gallery will display a set of images (thumbnail & full size) site users can select the thumbnail or use the previous/next arrows, which would allow them to scroll through the entire gallery while displaying one image at a time.
> how-do-i > how-do-i-upload-images
How Do I Crop Images
When you upload an image the system automatically resizes this into the 6 predefined image size sets available. Content managers have the ability to re-crop any of the 6 images to amend the area of the image that is to be the focus, the new crop can be saved or re-set. Cropping on one size of the image will not affect the other image crop areas.
> how-do-i
How Do I Upload Images
When uploading an Image you will need to take into account where you would like this Image to be stored - Will it be in an existing Asset Bucket or will you need to create a new one first? The system allows you to upload one Image at a time through a browse option or by selecting Quick Upload you can upload multiple Images at once (dependent on size & pixel count).
> how-do-i
How Do I Use the Image Plugin
Through the use of the Image Plugin, you can search for any image previously uploaded to your site. This image will then be added to your page, admins can then use the available Styling Tab to further size and format the Image.
> how-do-i > how-do-i-upload-images
Image Data
If you wish to edit the image's meta data, you could make modifications to these elements by navigating to the image in question and clicking on it.

Displaying: 1 - 7 of 7